Create A Product in 10 Days

Create A Product in 10 Days

The Creation Of A Product In as Little as Ten Days

It is more productive to set a deadline for completion of your product. Otherwise, you will find that working without one will put you in a bit of a bind, if you just kind of meander along, writing according to whatever your mood is. Setting a solid launch date will motivate you to write and make that deadline. Deadlines are great tools to get the job done. They motivate you to be on task and ignore all the social media distractions, emails, or any other form of deviation from the plan.

The creation of a product in a short time frame is accomplished through the setting of a deadline, and accountability on a large platform. Schedule a live webinar with a fellow marketer for the sale of your product. After substantial promotion of your webinar, you will stick to task to have the product finished by the time of the webinar to garner as many sales as possible. Sometimes there has to be a greater motivation than just the deadline. We can revamp deadlines, but if you are public about it online, there is no revision option. You have to follow through to production.

This successful webinar will be leveraged into other webinars with other marketing friends that will increase your sales exponentially affording you great momentum in future product production.

A further reason to enjoy the success is that you systematically produce product in a prolific manner. Also, when your product is ready, you garner sales upfront from the leverage created by the previous webinars. Your profits will rise faster than you ever thought possible.

Paul Cummings

Article by Paul Cummings

Published 29 Jun 2022